Fraction fields
Nemo allows the creation of fraction fields over any ring $R$. We don't require $R$ to be an integral domain, however no attempt is made to deal with the general case. Two fractions $a/b$ and $c/d$ are equal in Nemo iff $ad = bc$. Thus, in practice, a greatest common divisor function is currently required for the ring $R$.
In order to make the representation $a/b$ unique for printing, we have a notion of canonical unit for elements of a ring $R$. When canonicalising $a/b$, each of the elements $a$ and $b$ is first divided by the canonical unit of $b$.
The canonical_unit
function is defined for elements of every Nemo ring. It must have the properties
canonical_unit(u) == u
canonical_unit(a*b) == canonical_unit(a)*canonical_unit(b)
for any unit $u$ of the ring in question, and $a$ and $b$ arbitrary elements of the ring.
For example, the canonical unit of an integer is its sign. Thus a fraction of integers always has positive denominator after canonicalisation.
The canonical unit of a polynomial is the canonical unit of its leading coefficient, etc.
There are two different kinds of implementation of fraction fields in Nemo: a generic one for the case where no specific implementation exists (provided by AbstractAlgebra.jl), and efficient implementations of fractions over specific rings, usually provided by C/C++ libraries.
The following table shows each of the fraction types available in Nemo, the base ring $R$, and the Julia/Nemo types for that kind of fraction (the type information is mainly of concern to developers).
Base ring | Library | Element type | Parent type |
Generic ring $R$ | AbstractAlgebra.jl | Generic.FracFieldElem{T} | Generic.FracField{T} |
$\mathbb{Z}$ | FLINT | QQFieldElem | QQField |
All fraction element types belong to the abstract type FracElem
and all of the fraction field types belong to the abstract type FracField
. This enables one to write generic functions that can accept any Nemo fraction type.
Fraction functionality
All fraction types in Nemo provide functionality for fields described in AbstractAlgebra.jl:
In addition all the fraction field functionality of AbstractAlgebra.jl is provided, along with generic fractions fields as described here:
Basic manipulation
— Methodsign(a::QQFieldElem)
Return the sign of $a$ ($-1$, $0$ or $1$) as a fraction.
— Methodheight(a::QQFieldElem)
Return the height of the fraction $a$, namely the largest of the absolute values of the numerator and denominator.
— Methodheight_bits(a::QQFieldElem)
Return the number of bits of the height of the fraction $a$.
— Method<<(a::QQFieldElem, b::Int)
Return $a \times 2^b$.
— Method>>(a::QQFieldElem, b::Int)
Return $a/2^b$.
— Methodfloor(a::QQFieldElem)
Return the greatest integer that is less than or equal to $a$. The result is returned as a rational with denominator $1$.
— Methodceil(a::QQFieldElem)
Return the least integer that is greater than or equal to $a$. The result is returned as a rational with denominator $1$.
julia> d = abs(ZZ(11)//3)
julia> 4 <= ZZ(7)//ZZ(3)
Modular arithmetic
The following functions are available for rationals.
— Methodmod(a::QQFieldElem, b::ZZRingElem)
mod(a::QQFieldElem, b::Integer)
Return $a \pmod{b}$ where $b$ is an integer coprime to the denominator of $a$.
julia> mod(-ZZ(2)//3, 7)
julia> mod(ZZ(1)//2, ZZ(5))
Rational Reconstruction
Rational reconstruction is available for rational numbers.
— Methodreconstruct(a::ZZRingElem, m::ZZRingElem)
reconstruct(a::ZZRingElem, m::Integer)
reconstruct(a::Integer, m::ZZRingElem)
reconstruct(a::Integer, m::Integer)
Attempt to return a rational number $n/d$ such that $0 \leq |n| \leq \lfloor\sqrt{m/2}\rfloor$ and $0 < d \leq \lfloor\sqrt{m/2}\rfloor$ such that gcd$(n, d) = 1$ and $a \equiv nd^{-1} \pmod{m}$. If no solution exists, an exception is thrown.
julia> a = reconstruct(7, 13)
julia> b = reconstruct(ZZ(15), 31)
julia> c = reconstruct(ZZ(123), ZZ(237))
— Methodreconstruct(a::ZZRingElem, m::ZZRingElem, N::ZZRingElem, D::ZZRingElem)
Attempt to return a rational number $n/d$ such that $0 \leq |n| \leq N$ and $0 < d \leq D$ such that $2 N D < m$, gcd$(n, d) = 1$, and $a \equiv nd^{-1} \pmod{m}$.
Returns a tuple (success
, n/d
), where success
signals the success of reconstruction.
The behaviour is undefined if $a$ is negative or larger than $m$.
Rational enumeration
Various methods exist to enumerate rationals.
— Methodnext_minimal(a::QQFieldElem)
Given $a$, return the next rational number in the sequence obtained by enumerating all positive denominators $q$, and for each $q$ enumerating the numerators $1 \le p < q$ in order and generating both $p/q$ and $q/p$, but skipping all gcd$(p,q) \neq 1$. Starting with zero, this generates every non-negative rational number once and only once, with the first few entries being $0, 1, 1/2, 2, 1/3, 3, 2/3, 3/2, 1/4, 4, 3/4, 4/3, \ldots$. This enumeration produces the rational numbers in order of minimal height. It has the disadvantage of being somewhat slower to compute than the Calkin-Wilf enumeration. If $a < 0$ we throw a DomainError()
julia> next_minimal(ZZ(2)//3)
— Methodnext_signed_minimal(a::QQFieldElem)
Given a signed rational number $a$ assumed to be in canonical form, return the next element in the minimal-height sequence generated by next_minimal
but with negative numbers interleaved. The sequence begins $0, 1, -1, 1/2, -1/2, 2, -2, 1/3, -1/3, \ldots$. Starting with zero, this generates every rational number once and only once, in order of minimal height.
julia> next_signed_minimal(-ZZ(21)//31)
— Methodnext_calkin_wilf(a::QQFieldElem)
Return the next number after $a$ in the breadth-first traversal of the Calkin-Wilf tree. Starting with zero, this generates every non-negative rational number once and only once, with the first few entries being $0, 1, 1/2, 2, 1/3, 3/2, 2/3, 3, 1/4, 4/3, 3/5, 5/2, 2/5, \ldots$. Despite the appearance of the initial entries, the Calkin-Wilf enumeration does not produce the rational numbers in order of height: some small fractions will appear late in the sequence. This order has the advantage of being faster to produce than the minimal-height order.
julia> next_calkin_wilf(ZZ(321)//113)
— Methodnext_signed_calkin_wilf(a::QQFieldElem)
Given a signed rational number $a$ returns the next element in the Calkin-Wilf sequence with negative numbers interleaved. The sequence begins $0, 1, -1, 1/2, -1/2, 2, -2, 1/3, -1/3, \ldots$. Starting with zero, this generates every rational number once and only once, but not in order of minimal height.
julia> next_signed_calkin_wilf(-ZZ(51)//(17))
Random generation
— Methodrand_bits(::QQField, b::Int)
Return a random signed rational whose numerator and denominator both have $b$ bits before canonicalisation. Note that the resulting numerator and denominator can be smaller than $b$ bits.
Special functions
The following special functions are available for specific rings in Nemo.
— Methodharmonic(n::Int)
Return the harmonic number $H_n = 1 + 1/2 + 1/3 + \cdots + 1/n$. Table lookup is used for $H_n$ whose numerator and denominator fit in a single limb. For larger $n$, a divide and conquer strategy is used.
julia> a = harmonic(12)
— Methodbernoulli(n::Int)
Return the Bernoulli number $B_n$ for non-negative $n$.
See also bernoulli_cache
julia> d = bernoulli(12)
— Methodbernoulli_cache(n::Int)
Precomputes and caches all the Bernoulli numbers up to $B_n$. This is much faster than repeatedly calling bernoulli(k)
. Once cached, subsequent calls to bernoulli(k)
for any $k \le n$ will read from the cache, making them virtually free.
See also bernoulli
julia> bernoulli_cache(100)
julia> e = bernoulli(100)
— Methoddedekind_sum(h::ZZRingElem, k::ZZRingElem)
Return the Dedekind sum $s(h,k)$ for arbitrary $h$ and $k$.
julia> b = dedekind_sum(12, 13)
julia> c = dedekind_sum(-120, ZZ(1305))
— Method simplest_between(l::QQFieldElem, r::QQFieldElem)
Return the simplest fraction in the closed interval $[l, r]$. A canonical fraction $a_1 / b_1$ is defined to be simpler than $a_2 / b_2$ if and only if $b_1 < b_2$ or $b_1 = b_2$ and $a_1 < a_2$.
julia> simplest_between(QQ(1//10), QQ(3//10))