Generic fraction fields

AbstractAlgebra.jl provides a module, implemented in src/Fraction.jl for fraction fields over any gcd domain belonging to the AbstractAlgebra.jl abstract type hierarchy.

Generic fraction types

AbstractAlgebra.jl implements a generic fraction type Generic.FracFieldElem{T} where T is the type of elements of the base ring. See the file src/generic/GenericTypes.jl for details.

Parent objects of such fraction elements have type Generic.FracField{T}.

Factored fraction types

AbstractAlgebra.jl also implements a fraction type Generic.FactoredFracFieldElem{T} with parent objects of such fractions having type Generic.FactoredFracField{T}. As opposed to the fractions of type Generic.FracFieldElem{T}, which are just a numerator and denominator, these fractions are maintained in factored form as much as possible.

Abstract types

All fraction element types belong to the abstract type FracElem{T} and the fraction field types belong to the abstract type FracField{T}. This enables one to write generic functions that can accept any AbstractAlgebra fraction type.


Both the generic fraction field type Generic.FracField{T} and the abstract type it belongs to, FracField{T} are both called FracField. The former is a (parameterised) concrete type for a fraction field over a given base ring whose elements have type T. The latter is an abstract type representing all fraction field types in AbstractAlgebra.jl, whether generic or very specialised (e.g. supplied by a C library).

Fraction field constructors

In order to construct fractions in AbstractAlgebra.jl, one can first construct the fraction field itself. This is accomplished with the following constructor.

fraction_field(R::Ring; cached::Bool = true)

Given a base ring R return the parent object of the fraction field of $R$. By default the parent object S will depend only on R and will be cached. Setting the optional argument cached to false will prevent the parent object S from being cached.

Here are some examples of creating fraction fields and making use of the resulting parent objects to coerce various elements into the fraction field.


julia> R, x = polynomial_ring(ZZ, "x")
(Univariate polynomial ring in x over integers, x)

julia> S = fraction_field(R)
Fraction field
  of univariate polynomial ring in x over integers

julia> f = S()

julia> g = S(123)

julia> h = S(BigInt(1234))

julia> k = S(x + 1)
x + 1

Factored Fraction field constructors

The corresponding factored field uses the following constructor.

FactoredFractionField(R::Ring; cached::Bool = true)


julia> R, (x, y) = polynomial_ring(ZZ, ["x", "y"])
(Multivariate polynomial ring in 2 variables over integers, AbstractAlgebra.Generic.MPoly{BigInt}[x, y])

julia> S = FactoredFractionField(R)
Factored fraction field of Multivariate polynomial ring in 2 variables over integers

julia> (X, Y) = (S(x), S(y))
(x, y)

julia> f = X^6*(X+Y)^2*(X^2+Y)^3*(X+2*Y)^-3*(X+3*Y)^-4
x^6*(x + y)^2*(x^2 + y)^3/((x + 2*y)^3*(x + 3*y)^4)

julia> numerator(f)
x^14 + 2*x^13*y + x^12*y^2 + 3*x^12*y + 6*x^11*y^2 + 3*x^10*y^3 + 3*x^10*y^2 + 6*x^9*y^3 + 3*x^8*y^4 + x^8*y^3 + 2*x^7*y^4 + x^6*y^5

julia> denominator(f)
x^7 + 18*x^6*y + 138*x^5*y^2 + 584*x^4*y^3 + 1473*x^3*y^4 + 2214*x^2*y^5 + 1836*x*y^6 + 648*y^7

julia> derivative(f, x)
x^5*(x + y)*(x^2 + y)^2*(7*x^5 + 58*x^4*y + 127*x^3*y^2 + x^3*y + 72*x^2*y^3 + 22*x^2*y^2 + 61*x*y^3 + 36*y^4)/((x + 2*y)^4*(x + 3*y)^5)

Fraction constructors

One can construct fractions using the fraction field parent object, as for any ring or field.

(R::FracField)() # constructs zero
(R::FracField{T})(a::T) where T <: RingElement

One may also use the Julia double slash operator to construct elements of the fraction field without constructing the fraction field parent first.

//(x::T, y::T) where T <: RingElement


julia> R, x = polynomial_ring(QQ, "x")
(Univariate polynomial ring in x over rationals, x)

julia> S = fraction_field(R)
Fraction field
  of univariate polynomial ring in x over rationals

julia> f = S(x + 1)
x + 1

julia> g = (x^2 + x + 1)//(x^3 + 3x + 1)
(x^2 + x + 1)//(x^3 + 3*x + 1)

julia> x//f
x//(x + 1)

julia> f//x
(x + 1)//x

Functions for types and parents of fraction fields

Fraction fields in AbstractAlgebra.jl implement the Ring interface.


Return the base ring of which the fraction field was constructed.


Return the fraction field of the given fraction.


Return the characteristic of the base ring of the fraction field. If the characteristic is not known an exception is raised.


julia> R, x = polynomial_ring(QQ, "x")
(Univariate polynomial ring in x over rationals, x)

julia> S = fraction_field(R)
Fraction field
  of univariate polynomial ring in x over rationals

julia> f = S(x + 1)
x + 1

julia> U = base_ring(S)
Univariate polynomial ring in x over rationals

julia> V = base_ring(f)
Univariate polynomial ring in x over rationals

julia> T = parent(f)
Fraction field
  of univariate polynomial ring in x over rationals

julia> m = characteristic(S)

Fraction field functions

Basic functions

Fraction fields implement the Ring interface.

inv(a::T) where T <: FracElem

They also implement the field interface.


And they implement the fraction field interface.



julia> R, x = polynomial_ring(QQ, "x")
(Univariate polynomial ring in x over rationals, x)

julia> S = fraction_field(R)
Fraction field
  of univariate polynomial ring in x over rationals

julia> f = S(x + 1)
x + 1

julia> g = (x^2 + x + 1)//(x^3 + 3x + 1)
(x^2 + x + 1)//(x^3 + 3*x + 1)

julia> h = zero(S)

julia> k = one(S)

julia> isone(k)

julia> iszero(f)

julia> r = deepcopy(f)
x + 1

julia> n = numerator(g)
x^2 + x + 1

julia> d = denominator(g)
x^3 + 3*x + 1

Greatest common divisor

gcd(a::FracElem{T}, b::FracElem{T}) where {T <: RingElem}

Return a greatest common divisor of $a$ and $b$ if one exists. N.B: we define the GCD of $a/b$ and $c/d$ to be gcd$(ad, bc)/bd$, reduced to lowest terms. This requires the existence of a greatest common divisor function for the base ring.



julia> R, x = polynomial_ring(QQ, "x")
(Univariate polynomial ring in x over rationals, x)

julia> f = (x + 1)//(x^3 + 3x + 1)
(x + 1)//(x^3 + 3*x + 1)

julia> g = (x^2 + 2x + 1)//(x^2 + x + 1)
(x^2 + 2*x + 1)//(x^2 + x + 1)

julia> h = gcd(f, g)
(x + 1)//(x^5 + x^4 + 4*x^3 + 4*x^2 + 4*x + 1)

Square root

Base.sqrt(a::FracElem{T}; check::Bool=true) where T <: RingElem

Return the square root of $a$. By default the function will throw an exception if the input is not square. If check=false this test is omitted.



julia> R, x = polynomial_ring(QQ, "x")
(Univariate polynomial ring in x over rationals, x)

julia> S = fraction_field(R)
Fraction field
  of univariate polynomial ring in x over rationals

julia> a = (21//4*x^6 - 15*x^5 + 27//14*x^4 + 9//20*x^3 + 3//7*x + 9//10)//(x + 3)
(21//4*x^6 - 15*x^5 + 27//14*x^4 + 9//20*x^3 + 3//7*x + 9//10)//(x + 3)

julia> sqrt(a^2)
(21//4*x^6 - 15*x^5 + 27//14*x^4 + 9//20*x^3 + 3//7*x + 9//10)//(x + 3)

julia> is_square(a^2)

Remove and valuation

When working over a Euclidean domain, it is convenient to extend valuations to the fraction field. To facilitate this, we define the following functions.

remove(z::FracElem{T}, p::T) where {T <: RingElem}

Return the tuple $n, x$ such that $z = p^nx$ where $x$ has valuation $0$ at $p$.



julia> R, x = polynomial_ring(ZZ, "x")
(Univariate polynomial ring in x over integers, x)

julia> f = (x + 1)//(x^3 + 3x + 1)
(x + 1)//(x^3 + 3*x + 1)

julia> g = (x^2 + 1)//(x^2 + x + 1)
(x^2 + 1)//(x^2 + x + 1)

julia> v, q = remove(f^3*g, x + 1)
(3, (x^2 + 1)//(x^11 + x^10 + 10*x^9 + 12*x^8 + 39*x^7 + 48*x^6 + 75*x^5 + 75*x^4 + 66*x^3 + 37*x^2 + 10*x + 1))

julia> v = valuation(f^3*g, x + 1)

Random generation

Random fractions can be generated using rand. The parameters passed after the fraction field tell rand how to generate random elements of the base ring.

rand(R::FracField, v...)


julia> K = fraction_field(ZZ)

julia> f = rand(K, -10:10)

julia> R, x = polynomial_ring(ZZ, "x")
(Univariate polynomial ring in x over integers, x)

julia> S = fraction_field(R)
Fraction field
  of univariate polynomial ring in x over integers

julia> g = rand(S, -1:3, -10:10)
(-4*x - 4)//(4*x^2 + x - 4)

Extra functionality for factored fractions

The Generic.FactoredFracFieldElem{T} type implements an interface similar to that of the Fac{T} type for iterating over the terms in the factorisation. There is also the function push_term!(a, b, e) for efficiently performing a *= b^e, and the function normalise returns relatively prime terms.


julia> F = FactoredFractionField(ZZ)
Factored fraction field of Integers

julia> f = F(-1)

julia> push_term!(f, 10, 10)

julia> push_term!(f, 42, -8)

julia> normalise(f)

julia> unit(f)

julia> collect(f)
2-element Vector{Tuple{BigInt, Int64}}:
 (10, 10)
 (42, -8)