
Printing options

AbstractAlgebra supports printing to LaTeX using the MIME type "text/latex". To enable LaTeX rendering in Jupyter notebooks and query for the current state, use the following functions:

Updating the type diagrams

Updating the diagrams of the documentation can be done by modifying and running the script docs/create_type_diagrams.jl. Note that this requires the package Kroki.


Often it is desirable to have a flexible way to attach additional data to mathematical structures such as groups, rings, fields, etc. beyond what the original implementation covers. To facilitate this, we provide an attributes system: for objects of suitable types, one may use set_attribute! to attach key-value pairs to the object, and query them using has_attribute, get_attribute and get_attribute!.

Attributes are supported for all singletons (i.e., instances of an empty struct type), as well as for instances of mutable struct type for which attribute storage was enabled. There are two ways to enable attribute storage for such types:

  1. By applying @attributes to a mutable struct declaration, storage is reserved inside that struct type itself (this increases the size of each struct by 8 bytes if no attributes are set).
  2. By applying @attributes to the name of a mutable struct type, methods are installed which store attributes to instances of the type in a WeakKeyDict outside the struct.
@attributes typedef

This is a helper macro that ensures that there is storage for attributes in the type declared in the expression typedef, which must be either a mutable struct definition expression, or the name of a mutable struct type.

The latter variant is useful to enable attribute storage for types defined in other packages. Note that @attributes is idempotent: when applied to a type for which attribute storage is already available, it does nothing.

For singleton types, attribute storage is also supported, and in fact always enabled. Thus it is not necessary to apply this macro to such a type.


When applied to a struct definition this macro adds a new field to the struct. For structs without constructor, this will change the signature of the default inner constructor, which requires explicit values for every field, including the attribute storage field this macro adds. Usually it is thus preferable to add an explicit default constructor, as in the example below.


Applying the macro to a struct definition results in internal storage of the attributes:

julia> @attributes mutable struct MyGroup
           MyGroup(order::Int) = new(order)

julia> G = MyGroup(5)
MyGroup(5, #undef)

julia> set_attribute!(G, :isfinite, :true)

julia> get_attribute(G, :isfinite)

Applying the macro to a typename results in external storage of the attributes:

julia> mutable struct MyOtherGroup
           MyOtherGroup(order::Int) = new(order)

julia> @attributes MyOtherGroup

julia> G = MyOtherGroup(5)

julia> set_attribute!(G, :isfinite, :true)

julia> get_attribute(G, :isfinite)
@attr RetType funcdef

This macro is applied to the definition of a unary function, and enables caching ("memoization") of its return values based on the argument. This assumes the argument supports attribute storing (see @attributes) via get_attribute!.

The name of the function is used as name for the underlying attribute.

The macro works the same for unary functions with keyword arguments, but ignores the keyword arguments when caching the result, i.e. different calls with different keyword arguments will return the identical (cached) result. In case that there is no result cached yet, the function is called with the given keyword arguments.

Effectively, this turns code like this:

@attr RetType function myattr(obj::Foo)
   # ... expensive computation
   return result

into something essentially equivalent to this:

function myattr(obj::Foo)
  return get_attribute!(obj, :myattr) do
    # ... expensive computation
    return result


julia> @attributes mutable struct Foo
           Foo(x::Int) = new(x)

julia> @attr Int function myattr(obj::Foo)
                println("Performing expensive computation")
                return factorial(obj.x)

julia> obj = Foo(5);

julia> myattr(obj)
Performing expensive computation

julia> myattr(obj) # second time uses the cached result
get_attribute(f::Function, G::Any, attr::Symbol)

Return the value stored for the attribute attr, or if no value has been set, return f().

This is intended to be called using do block syntax.

get_attribute(obj, attr) do
    # default value calculated here if needed
get_attribute(G::Any, attr::Symbol, default::Any = nothing)

Return the value stored for the attribute attr, or if no value has been set, return default.

get_attribute!(f::Function, G::Any, attr::Symbol)

Return the value stored for the attribute attr of G, or if no value has been set, store key => f() and return f().

This is intended to be called using do block syntax.

get_attribute!(obj, attr) do
    # default value calculated here if needed
get_attribute!(G::Any, attr::Symbol, default::Any)

Return the value stored for the attribute attr of G, or if no value has been set, store key => default, and return default.

set_attribute!(G::Any, data::Pair{Symbol, <:Any}...)

Attach the given sequence of key=>value pairs as attributes of G.

set_attribute!(G::Any, attr::Symbol, value::Any)

Attach the given value as attribute attr of G.


Advanced printing

Self-given names

We provide macros @show_name, @show_special and @show_special_elem to change the way certain objects are printed.

In compact and terse printing mode, @show_name tries to determine a suitable name to print instead of the object (see AbstractAlgebra.get_name).

@show_special checks if an attribute :show is present. If so, it has to be a function taking IO, optionally a MIME-type, and the object. This is then called instead of the usual show function.

Similarly, @show_special_elem checks if an attribute :show_elem is present in the object's parent. The semantics are the same as for @show_special.

All are supposed to be used within the usual show function, where @show_special_elem is only relevant for element types of algebraic structures.

@attributes MyObj

function show(io::IO, A::MyObj)
   @show_name(io, A)
   @show_special(io, A)

   # ... usual stuff

function show(io::IO, mime::MIME"text/plain", A::MyObj)
   @show_name(io, A)
   @show_special(io, mime, A)

   # ... usual stuff

function show(io::IO, A::MyObjElem)
   @show_name(io, A)
   @show_special_elem(io, A)

   # ... usual stuff

function show(io::IO, mime::MIME"text/plain", A::MyObjElem)
   @show_name(io, A)
   @show_special_elem(io, mime, A)

   # ... usual stuff


@show_special(io::IO, obj)

If the obj has a show attribute, this gets called with io and obj and returns from the current scope. Otherwise, does nothing.

If obj does not have attribute storage available, this macro does nothing.

It is supposed to be used at the start of show methods as shown in the documentation.


julia> R = @polynomial_ring(QQ, :x; cached=false)
Univariate polynomial ring in x over rationals

julia> AbstractAlgebra.@show_special(stdout, R)

julia> set_attribute!(R, :show, (i,o) -> print(i, "=> The One True Ring <="))

julia> AbstractAlgebra.@show_special(stdout, R)
=> The One True Ring <=

julia> R   # show for R uses @show_special, so we can observe the effect directly
=> The One True Ring <=
@show_special(io::IO, mime, obj)

If the obj has a show attribute, this gets called with io, mime and obj (if applicable) and io and obj otherwise, and returns from the current scope. Otherwise, does nothing.

If obj does not have attribute storage available, this macro does nothing.

It is supposed to be used at the start of show methods as shown in the documentation.


julia> R = @polynomial_ring(QQ, :x; cached=false)
Univariate polynomial ring in x over rationals

julia> AbstractAlgebra.@show_special(stdout, MIME"text/plain"(), R)

julia> myshow(i,o) = print(i, "=> The One True Ring <=");

julia> myshow(i,m,o) = print(i, "=> The One True Ring with mime type $m <=");

julia> set_attribute!(R, :show, myshow)

julia> AbstractAlgebra.@show_special(stdout, MIME"text/plain"(), R)
=> The One True Ring with mime type text/plain <=

julia> R   # show for R uses @show_special, so we can observe the effect directly
=> The One True Ring <=
@show_special_elem(io::IO, obj)

If the parent of obj has a show_elem attribute, this gets called with io and obj and returns from the current scope. Otherwise, does nothing.

If parent(obj) does not have attribute storage available, this macro does nothing.

It is supposed to be used at the start of show methods as shown in the documentation.


julia> R = @polynomial_ring(QQ, :x; cached=false)
Univariate polynomial ring in x over rationals

julia> AbstractAlgebra.@show_special_elem(stdout, x)

julia> set_attribute!(R, :show_elem, (i,o) -> print(i, "=> $o <="))

julia> AbstractAlgebra.@show_special_elem(stdout, x)
=> x <=

julia> x   # show for x does not uses @show_special_elem, so x prints as before
@show_special_elem(io::IO, mime, obj)

If the parent of obj has a show_elem attribute, this gets called with io, mime and obj (if applicable) and io and obj otherwise, and returns from the current scope. Otherwise, does nothing.

If parent(obj) does not have attribute storage available, this macro does nothing.

It is supposed to be used at the start of show methods as shown in the documentation.


julia> R = @polynomial_ring(QQ, :x; cached=false)
Univariate polynomial ring in x over rationals

julia> AbstractAlgebra.@show_special_elem(stdout, MIME"text/plain"(), x)

julia> set_attribute!(R, :show_elem, (i,m,o) -> print(i, "=> $o with mime type $m <="))

julia> AbstractAlgebra.@show_special_elem(stdout, MIME"text/plain"(), x)
=> x with mime type text/plain <=

julia> x   # show for x does not uses @show_special_elem, so x prints as before
@show_name(io::IO, obj)

If either is_terse(io) is true or property :compact is set to true for io (see IOContext), print the name get_name(obj) of the object obj to the io stream, then return from the current scope. Otherwise, do nothing.

It is supposed to be used at the start of show methods as shown in the documentation.

set_name!(obj, name::String; override::Bool=true)

Sets the name of the object obj to name. This name is used for printing using AbstractAlgebra.@show_name. If override is false, the name is only set if there is no name already set.

This function errors if obj does not support attribute storage.

set_name!(obj; override::Bool=true)

Sets the name of the object obj to the name of a variable in global (Main module) namespace with value bound to the object obj, if such a variable exists (see AbstractAlgebra.PrettyPrinting.find_name). This name is used for printing using AbstractAlgebra.@show_name. If override is false, the name is only set if there is no name already set.

This function errors if obj does not support attribute storage.

find_name(obj, M = Main; all::Bool = false) -> Union{String,Nothing}

Return name of a variable in M's namespace with value bound to the object obj, or nothing if no such variable exists. If all is true, private and non-exported variables are also searched.


If the object is stored in several variables, the first one will be used, but a name returned once is kept until the variable no longer contains this object.

For this to work in doctests, one should call AbstractAlgebra.set_current_module(@__MODULE__) in the value argument of Documenter.DocMeta.setdocmeta! and keep the default value of M = Main here.


This function should not be used directly, but rather through AbstractAlgebra.get_name.


Indentation and Decapitalization

To facilitate printing of nested mathematical structures, we provide a modified IOCustom object, that supports indentation and decapitalization.


We illustrate this with an example

struct A{T}

function Base.show(io::IO, a::A)
  io = AbstractAlgebra.pretty(io)
  println(io, "Something of type A")
  print(io, AbstractAlgebra.Indent(), "over ", AbstractAlgebra.Lowercase(), a.x)
  print(io, AbstractAlgebra.Dedent()) # don't forget to undo the indentation!

struct B

function Base.show(io::IO, b::B)
  io = AbstractAlgebra.pretty(io)
  print(io, LowercaseOff(), "Hilbert thing")

At the REPL, this will then be printed as follows:

julia> A(2)
Something of type A
  over 2

julia> A(A(2))
Something of type A
  over something of type A
    over 2

julia> A(B())
Something of type A
  over Hilbert thing



When printed to an IOCustom object, increases the indentation level by one.


julia> io = AbstractAlgebra.pretty(stdout);

julia> print(io, AbstractAlgebra.Indent(), "This is indented")
  This is indented

When printed to an IOCustom object, decreases the indentation level by one.


julia> io = AbstractAlgebra.pretty(stdout);

julia> print(io, AbstractAlgebra.Indent(), AbstractAlgebra.Dedent(), "This is indented")
This is indented

When printed to an IOCustom object, the next letter printed will be lowercase.


julia> io = AbstractAlgebra.pretty(stdout);

julia> print(io, AbstractAlgebra.Lowercase(), "Foo")

When printed to an IOCustom object, the case of the next letter will not be changed when printed.


julia> io = AbstractAlgebra.pretty(stdout);

julia> print(io, AbstractAlgebra.Lowercase(), AbstractAlgebra.LowercaseOff(), "Foo")

Linear solving interface for developers

AbstractAlgebra has a generic interface for linear solving and we describe here how one may extend this interface. For the user-facing functionality of linear solving, see Linear Solving.

Notice that the functionality is implemented in the module AbstractAlgebra.Solve and the internal functions are not exported from there.

Matrix normal forms

To distinguish between different algorithms, we use type traits of abstract type MatrixNormalFormTrait which usually correspond to a certain matrix normal form. The available algorithms/normal forms are

  • HowellFormTrait: uses a Howell form;
  • HermiteFormTrait: uses a Hermite normal form;
  • RREFTrait: uses a row-reduced echelon form over fields;
  • LUTrait: uses a LU factoring of the matrix;
  • FFLUTrait: uses a "fraction-free" LU factoring of the matrix over fraction fields;
  • MatrixInterpolateTrait: uses interpolation of polynomials for fraction fields of polynomial rings.

To select a normal form type for rings of type NewRing, implement the function

Solve.matrix_normal_form_type(::NewRing) = Bla()

where Bla <: MatrixNormalFormTrait. A new type trait can be added via

struct NewTrait <: Solve.MatrixNormalFormTrait end

Internal solving functionality

If a new ring type NewRing can make use of one of the available MatrixNormalFormTraits, then it suffices to specify this normal form as described above to use the generic solving functionality. (However, for example HermiteFormTrait requires that the function hermite_form_with_transformation is implemented.)

For a new trait NewTrait <: MatrixNormalFormTrait, one needs to implement the function

  ::NewTrait, A::MatElem{T}, b::MatElem{T}, task::Symbol; side::Symbol = :left
  ) where T

Inside this function, one can assume that A and b have the same base ring and have compatible dimensions. Further, task and side are set to "legal" options. (All this is checked in Solve._can_solve_internal.) This function should then (try to) solve Ax = b (side == :right) or xA = b (side == :left) possibly with kernel. The function must always return a tuple (::Bool, ::MatElem{T}, ::MatElem{T}) consisting of:

  • true/false whether a solution exists or not
  • the solution (or a placeholder if no solution exists or a solution is not requested)
  • the kernel (or a placeholder if the kernel is not requested)

The input task may be:

  • :only_check: Only test whether there is a solution, the second and third return value are only for type stability;
  • :with_solution: Compute a solution, if it exists, the last return value is only for type stability;
  • :with_kernel: Compute a solution and a kernel.

One should further implement the function

kernel(::NewTrait, A::MatElem; side::Symbol = :left)

which computes a left (or right) kernel of A.

Internal solve context functionality

To efficiently solve several linear systems with the same matrix A, we provide the "solve contexts objects" of type Solve.SolveCtx. These can be extended for a ring of type NewRing as follows.

Solve context type

For a new ring type, one may have to define the type parameters of a SolveCtx object. First of all, one needs to implement the function

function Solve.solve_context_type(::NewRing)
  return Solve.solve_context_type(::NormalFormTrait, elem_type(NewRing))

to pick a MatrixNormalFormTrait.

Usually, nothing else should be necessary. However, if for example the normal form of a matrix does not live over the same ring as the matrix itself, one might also need to implement

function Solve.solve_context_type(NF::NormalFormTrait, T::Type{NewRingElem})
  return Solve.SolveCtx{T, typeof(NF), MatType, RedMatType, TranspMatType}

where MatType is the dense matrix type over NewRing, RedMatType the type of a matrix in reduced/normal form and TranspMatType the type of the reduced/normal form of the transposed matrix.


To initialize the solve context functionality for a new normal form NewTrait, one needs to implement the functions

Solve._init_reduce(C::SolveCtx{T, NewTrait}) where T
Solve._init_reduce_transpose(C::SolveCtx{T, NewTrait}) where T

These should fill the corresponding fields of the solve context C with a "reduced matrix" (that is, a matrix in normal form) of matrix(C), respectively transpose(matrix(C)), and other information necessary to solve a linear system. The fields can be accessed via reduced_matrix, reduced_matrix_of_transpose, etc. New fields may also be added via attributes.

Internal solving functionality

As above, one finally needs to implement the functions

  ::NewTrait, C::SolveCtx{T, NewTrait}, b::MatElem{T}, task::Symbol;
  side::Symbol = :left
  ) where T


kernel(::NewTrait, C::SolveCtx{T, NewTrait}; side::Symbol = :left)