Map with inverse

It is not possible to provide generic functionality to invert a map. However, sometimes one knows an inverse map explicitly and would like to keep track of this.

Recall that as map composition is not commutative, there is a notion of a left inverse and a right inverse for maps.

To keep track of such inverse maps, AbstractAlgebra provides data types Generic.MapWithRetraction and Generic.MapWithSection.

Given a map $f : X \to Y$, a retraction of $f$ is a map $g : Y \to X$ such that $g(f(x)) = x$ for all $x \in X$.

Given a map $f : X \to Y$, a section of $f$ is a map $g : Y \to X$ such that $f(g(x)) = x$ for all $y \in Y$.

In AbstractAlgebra, a map with retraction/section is an object containing a pair of maps, the second of which is a retraction/section of the first.

Maps with retraction/section can be composed, and we also define the inverse of such a pair to be the map with the pair swapped. Thus the inverse of a map with retraction is a map with section.

Map with inverse constructors

To construct a map with retraction/section from a pair of maps, we have the following functions:

map_with_retraction(m::Map{D, C}, r::Map{C, D}) where {D, C}
map_with_section(m::Map{D, C}, s::Map{C, D}) where {D, C}

Construct the map with retraction/section given a known retraction/section $r$ or $s$ respectively, of $m$.

For convenience we allow construction of maps with retraction/section from a pair of Julia functions/closures.

map_with_retraction_from_func(f::Function, r::Function, R, S)
map_with_section_from_func(f::Function, s::Function, R, S)

Construct the map with retraction/section such that the map is given by the function $f$ and the retraction/section is given by the function $r$ or $s$ respectively. Here $R$ is the parent object representing the domain and $S$ is the parent object representing the codomain of $f$.


julia> f = map_with_retraction_from_func(x -> x + 1, x -> x - 1, ZZ, ZZ)
Map with retraction
  from integers
  to integers

julia> a = f(ZZ(1))

Functionality for maps with inverses

The following functionality is provided for maps with inverses.


Return the map with the two maps contained in $M$ swapped. In the first case, a MapWithSection is returned. In the second case a MapWithRetraction is returned.

To access the two maps stored in a map with retraction/section, we have the following:


The first two of these functions return the first map in a map with retraction/section, the second two functions return the corresponding second maps.


julia> f = map_with_retraction_from_func(x -> x + 1, x -> x - 1, ZZ, ZZ)
Map with retraction
  from integers
  to integers

julia> g = inv(f)
Map with section
  from integers
  to integers

julia> h = f*g
Composite map
  from integers
  to integers
which is the composite of
  Map: integers -> integers
  Map: integers -> integers

julia> a = h(ZZ(1))